Unlocking the Secrets: Thawing Frozen Fish the Right Way

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When it comes to seafood, a common misconception is that fresh fish trumps frozen. However, the truth might surprise you! Wild-caught fish, when flash-frozen within hours of capture, retains all its nutritional value and flavor, often making it a fresher choice than the so-called “fresh” fish. Plus, the freezing process eliminates any bacteria, ensuring a safe and tasty meal.

Wild Caught King Salmon portion frozen in package thawing on counter

The Art of Thawing Frozen Fish


1. Plan Ahead:

If seafood is on your dinner menu, simply transfer the frozen fish to the refrigerator, allowing it to thaw throughout the day. This gradual change in temperature preserves the texture and prevents bacterial growth, making it a safe thawing method. For best results, start the thawing process in the morning or the night before cooking.

2. Countertop Thawing

While thawing fish on the countertop can work, it requires close attention. Ensure the fish doesn’t reach room temperature to avoid bacterial growth. The refrigerator remains the safest thawing option.


1. Microwave Thawing:

Avoid thawing frozen seafood in the microwave at all costs. This method can result in uneven temperature distribution, leaving your fish with a tough, rubbery texture and partially cooked sections.

2. Hot Water Thawing:

Running hot water over frozen seafood can lead to several issues, such as bacterial growth and a waterlogged meal. Remember, while fish live in water, they don’t cook well in it! If using water, the submerged method with cold water is recommended.

3. Sink Thawing

Contrary to popular belief, thawing fish under running water in the sink or submerging in a bowl of cold water is not recommended. Experts warn that this method can lead to a mushy-textured fish, ruining your meal.

EXCEPTION: Shrimp may be safely thawed in your sink using a cold water bath.


Thawing frozen fish might seem like a daunting task, but with the right methods, it’s a breeze. Whether you’re planning ahead or in a rush, there are safe and effective ways to prepare your seafood. Remember, the key to a delicious fish meal is in the thawing!

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