Alaskan Sockeye Salmon…A Healthy Choice!

Posted on in our Seafood Blog

Did you know that there are actually 5 species of Alaskan Salmon? That’s right. King, Sockeye, Coho, Keta and Pink Salmon. And most people do not realize that there are subtle differences between each species! Capt. Tony and crew target Sockeye Salmon when fishing in Bristol Bay, Alaska, usually during the summer months of June and July. Sockeye is prized for its flavor, but is often overlooked in terms of nutritional value. There’s an impressive (and lengthy) list of health benefits in choosing Sockeye Salmon for your protein source. Quite simply, it can be the biggest bang for your buck! Here’s a few of those benefits:

  • Our Sockeye Salmon is free from artificial coloring, growth hormones, pharmaceuticals and other unnatural chemicals.
  • Sockeye Salmon is high in Omega-3’s oils which have been shown to lower cholesterol and decrease the risk of heart disease as well as lowering triglycerides
  • Sockeye Salmon is naturally abundant in many essential nutrients and vitamins including Vitamins A, C, D and E, Naicin and Vitamin B-12!
  • Sockeye Salmon is low in saturated fats and calories
  • The lifespan of an average Sockeye Salmon is 3 to 6 years. Most of this time is spent in the ocean feeding on zooplankton and small crustaceans.
  • Sockeye Salmon has a deep red color (although color can vary quite extensively depending on the individual diet of the particular fish).
  • Our Sockeye Salmon comes with the skin-on and has been deboned. It’s perfect for the grill, oven-roasting, pan-searing, or basically any other cooking preperation!

If you’re mouth isn’t watering already, how about a recipe?!?…


This is one of our favorites and is sure to become one of yours as well!